Got Hijacked! - Suppandi Save The Day - Animated Story - Cartoon Stories - Funny Cartoons

 ticket please

I'll seed sir no no no ma'am you're a

lady please have a seat I'll stand hello

son please fasten your belt but ma'am

the pant I'm wearing is tight enough I

don't need a belt

I'm talking about your seat belt all

right nobody move

come you're playing a game of statue

okay okay

I'll freeze no this is a hijack hi jack

ladies Jack miss should I say hi to him

too quiet

I'm diggin this plane to Cossack Anya

but we are flying to Delhi

Peppa can't you a drop us off there and

then continue stop it you will all be

hostages unless my demands are met

demands Oh

I've called the aerospace she will give

you whatever you want do you want use

and one more word and there will be a

kidnapping whoo that's excellent and

that child has been crying for so long

we all want that kid to be napping ha ha

I was not trained for this obviously sir

this is not a thing this is a plane I

can't do this this is not my piece of


that's okay and the air hostess will

give you a different piece of cake the

ice cream is very good you must try it

why are you crying are you afraid of

flying here I put your seatbelt for you

sir your bravery and quit thinking has

saved this entire flight please please

take me to jail

I got a gazebo mr. su Bundy as a reward

would you like to travel first class

no no thank you ma'am I passed my

seventh standard I don't want to go back

to the first standard I'm too smart for


one day

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